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On June 15, 2021, the Board issued a Special Report on Grading and Other Activities at PM Ranch. Since that time, the range of things occurring there has increased. We will bring you up to date, including SCVCC efforts to be in touch with regulatory agencies and the PM Ranch owners. We want to understand plans for operations and applicable regulatory requirements. Any permitting processes which might occur will take time and we want to be knowledgeable and effective at pursuing any positions we take. This is a fluid situation so we are relaying what we know as of July 13, the date of this report.
In our June 15 Report, we noted some details about the size of the property, the nature of the grading and preliminary ideas of how the cattle operation would be conducted. Since then, grading and dust issues have continued. We have received reports that cattle have been trucked to the site. Recently it has been reported that a new road is being constructed from the East Frontage Road to the Ranch. It seems they are moving to the operational phase.Some of our members, and others, have been active in contacting government officials. They are asking for information or insisting upon action by agencies concerning the potential impacts of activities at PM Ranch. For example, we have been told that staff at the Arizona Department of Environmental Quality (ADEQ) is looking into the situation and are coordinating with the US Army Corps of Engineers (a near neighbor filed a complaint with the Corps).It is our perception that there are potential air quality and water quality issues and perhaps flooding issues.
The SCVCC Board does not have sufficient information at this point to take any position. But, we are actively contacting government officials. We are arranging a meeting on site with the owners or their representative. We have more information than we had when we met with their attorney and are in a better position now to ask more definitive questions. After all of this, we will be in a position to determine what actions we might take.We will provide you with more detailed information and possible actions as soon as we can.
Board of Directors
Santa Cruz Valley Citizens Council
PO Box 1501, Tubac, Arizona 85646-1501
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